Horizon Zero Dawn PC Patch 1.04, Perbaiki Lebih Banyak Crash, Hadirkan Peningkatan Performa dan Yang Lainnya

Jika terdapat satu hal yang selalu dialami oleh para pemain game Horizon Zero Dawn di PC, adalah permasalahan crash. Semenjak game tersebut diluncurkan pada bulan Agustus, 2020 kemarin, telah dilaporkan berbagai banyak permasalahan yang terjadi kepada para pemainnya, yang mayoritas adalah crash. Karena terlalu banyak crash yang terjadi, dua patch yang telah diberikan sebelumnya oleh Guerrilla Games berfokus untuk menyelesaikan sebagian crash tersebut. Kali ini, terdapat patch terbari, 1.04 yang telah hadir, dan sekali lagi, patch ini dibuat untuk menyelesaikan berbagai macam crash yang ada di Horizon Zero Dawn PC.

Namun untuk patch terbaru ini cukup berbeda dari kedua patch sebelumnya, karena patch kali ini menghadirkan peningkatan performa pada CPU kalian.

Berikut detail patch 1.04 dari Steam. Meski mayoritas untuk memperbaiki crash, dan berusaha agara Horizon Zero Dawn tidak mengalami crash lagi, patch ini juga membuat kontrol mouse, aiming, dan cutscene menjadi lebih baik lagi.

Known Issues

  • Some players are experiencing an out of memory error during the game optimization process.
  • Some players are experiencing graphical settings issues, such as Anisotropic Filtering or HDR not working correctly.
  • Some players are experiencing performance issues on specific GPUs or hardware combinations.
  • Some players are experiencing issues with Aloy’s hair when the game is running above 30 FPS.
  • We’re aware of and continue to investigate issues that are not yet solved on both the player-compiled lists by u/EvilMonkeySlayer and u/Rampage572 – thank you!

Patch Notes

Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when users would create a new game and their save game slots were full
  • Fixed a startup crash related to temp folder
  • Fixed an AI crash that could occur during combat
  • Fixed an AI crash in the EventMessageHandler
  • Fixed a crash related to WorldData sampling (the callstack would end in WorldMapData::SampleAtPixel)
  • Fixed a crash when users would instantly back out when changing sliders in the Settings menu
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when having the “Greetings” option open in photo mode and then exiting
  • Potential fix for memory corruption in AI routines which could lead to crashes
  • Potential fix for a GPU hang caused by a threading issue
  • Fixed a mismatch that would occur on Shader Model 6.0 and 6.1 hardware which could lead to a crash

Performance improvements:

  • General improvement to CPU performance (depending on CPU/GPU speeds, this can result in a 1-10% performance improvement)
  • Improved performance of camera cuts in cinematics and conversations

Other Improvements:

  • HDR – Fixed colour banding issues in HDR mode
  • Mouse Controls – Fixed an issue where mouse sensitivity was incorrect when framerate wasn’t constant
  • Aiming – Fixed an issue where Aloy was unable to shoot while being able to do a critical attack near a machine
  • Cutscenes – Fixed an issue where geometry and textures would pop in after camera cuts
  • Adaptive Performance – Fixed an issue where lighting glitches would occur when turning on Adaptive Performance
  • Volumetrics – Fixed an issue which could cause blinking artifacts in volumetric effects, like fog
  • Visibility – Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause geometry to briefly disappear after streaming

Meski masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan lainnya, sepertinya Sony tidak akan membiarkan hal tersebut.

Horizon Zero Dawn saat ini telah tersedia dan dapat kalian mainkan pada konsol PlayStation 4 dan juga PC.

Sumber: Siliconera

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