Tanggal Early Access dan Update Kerbal Space Program 2 Dikonfirmasi

Private Division dan Intercept Games baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa Kerbal Space Program 2 akan dirilis di early access pada tanggal 24 Februari mendatang. Game ini nantinya akan hadir di PC melalui Steam dan Epic Games Store.

Sekuel dari game sim yang telah lama dinantikan, yang pada awalnya dijadwalkan untuk dirilis pada tahun 2020 kemarin, sebelum akhirnya ditunda ke tahun 2021, kemudian 2022 dan kini 2023, akan hadir di konsol setelah perilisannya di PC.

“Dengan merilis dalam Early Access, kami memasuki sebuah tahap baru dimana para pemain akan dapat merasakan pengalaman yang telah mereka nantikan, termasuk sistem, fitur, update, dan yang lainnya,” ujar Nestor Gomez, lead producer untuk Kerbal Space Program 2 di Intercept Games.

“Kami akan mendengarkan dan melihat reaksi dari perubahan-perubahan tersebut, mirip dengan game pertamanya, perjalanan ini akan membantu kami menggunakan alat paling kuat kami yakni komunitas kami.”

Mengikuti perilisan early access Kerbal Space Program 2, game ini akan mendapatkan beragam fitur dalam beberapa bulan kedepannya yang telah dijabarkan oleh pihak developer seperti yang ada di bawah ini:

  • Next-Generation Technology: Players will unlock future technologies, allowing them to build at larger scales and use new fuels or propulsion systems. These capabilities will enable players to venture beyond the limits of the original Kerbolar System and into unexplored star systems.
  • Colonies: A highly requested and anticipated feature for the sequel, players will be able to locate and extract valuable resources, then use those materials to build custom bases on distant celestial bodies or in deep space. Players will need to add power generation, habitation, and vehicle assembly models to colonies, and then can use it as a low-gravity launch complex from which to embark on more ambitious journeys!
  • Interstellar Travel: KSP2 presents players with the challenge of interstellar navigation. They must venture across the gulf of interstellar space inside fusion-powered megaships capable of incredible speeds. Upon arrival at new star systems, they will be able to deploy landers and rovers to explore the planets waiting to be discovered.
  • Multiplayer: Players will be able to both cooperate and compete with friends to explore space together and achieve historic milestones in their own space race. Multiplayer unlocks endless potential for adventures, completists, and “unexpected” vehicle collisions!
  • Modding: Kerbal fans are keen to share the plethora of mods available for the original game, and Intercept Games plans to make the sequel even more mod-friendly by releasing additional developments aimed to support the modding community.

Sumber: VGC

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